Foundation of Buddhist Logic & Debate



Developing the Practices of a Bodhisattva

Mondays 9-10.15am BST

The aim of this class is for the student to develop an understanding of the practices of a Bodhisattva and engage in those practices during their daily activities.

With a strong emphasis placed on keeping a personal journal and articulating ones own experince’s there is no doubt that if the student applies themselves they will develop and further enhance their own spiritual path.

Debate Class

Saturdays 8-9.30am BST

Held once per week. Class has three elements:

1. Study of the root text
2. Q&A session
3. Review of student course work set the previous week.

Students are encouraged to debate between class, with a view of developing their own path of reasoning.


Yongzin Purbuchok Smaller Path of Reasoning

Saturdays 8-9.30am BST
27th Aug 2022 to July 2023

Based on:

  • Yongzin Purbuchok’s Smaller Path of Reasoning

Developing the Practices of a Bodhisattva

Mondays 9-10.15am BST

Based on:

  • Je Tsongkhapa’s Middle-Length Lam Rim

By means of:

  • The 7-Fold Instruction &
  • Equalising and Exchanging Oneself with Others

Awareness & Knowers (Lorig) part 2

Sept 2024 to Feb 2025

Based on:

  • Yongzin Purbuchok’s Explanation of the Presentation of Objects and Object-Possessors as well as Awareness and Knowers


Mental Quiescence & Compassion

UK & Online

More info coming soon.
